Oolong Iron Goddess Tea Loose Leaf Organic

Oolong Iron Goddess Tea – Loose Leaf Organic




Oolong Iron Goddess Tea (also known as Tieguanyin) is named after the Chinese Goddess of Mercy – Guanyin – and is regarded as a premium, high quality Chinese Tea. The tea leaves are tightly packed into small marbles that unfurl in hot water to release a lush sunken forest in a pale gold elixir.

Loose leaf 100% organic tea.

How is it made?Oolong Iron Goddess undergoes a complex process of preparation that requires picking at an ideal time of a high raw quality camellia sinensis tea leaf that must then be processed correctly to produce its distinct flavour.
Preparation1-2 teaspoons in 250mL water at 90-95Β°C, steep for 2 minutes
Tasting NotesOolong Iron Goddess has a smooth taste with floral, buttery, and fruity characteristics, and hints of berry. The aroma is rich, woody, and reminds us of orchids.

The first steep of this tea is known for its aroma; while subsequent steeps are known for their flavour.

Health BenefitsOolong Iron Goddess is regarded for numerous health benefits including:
– antioxidants that improve skin condition,
– weight loss due to Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCF) which blocks absorption of starches,
– improving bone density, and
– stress relief due to the L-theanine in the tea.



Oolong Iron Goddess tea is made from the Camellia Sinensis tea plant. Camellia Sinensis tea plants are grown in plantations in many parts of the world. The tea leaves are harvested by hand, and only the young and juicy leaves are picked. After harvest the tea is dried with additional processing depending on the tea type.

Additional information


40g, 50g, 80g, 100g


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